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One of My Winter Projects

Folks always ask what I do in the off season, fair question since these days I am mostly free from the middle of November to April. I do guide a few trips during the colder months (ice fishing and the occasional nature exploration trip). But for the most part it is time at my desk and feeding the wood stove. There are a few other things to keep me occupied. For instance I serve on the Board of Directors of the Maine Tourism Association. Back again after taking a break for a few years and not planning to hold a leadership role after having been the vice chair, chair and treasure over a dozen years.

I am also asked to serve on various steering committees and task forces. I had the opportunity to take part in the Destination Management Plan for the Maine Office of Tourism. This was an interesting project involving getting a lot of public thought. The plan was launched at the Governors Conference on Tourism last spring. You can see the result of that effort here I think that the one page summary captures our results nicely.

The letter is the thank you I received for taking part in the project. I was delighted to have been asked and assure you that more opportunities like it are always on my horizon. Which helps to keep my winter interesting.

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